Step Outside the Box...

And the verdict is in!  In December, during all of the year end activities that keeps everyone hopping, Julie Everhart and I both stepped outside our "normal" photography realms and entered a competition that was themed "People in the City".  Having just returned from our trip to the UK, we each entered four photos and decided to see how we would do.
Working for Pounds by Julie Everhart

Street Musicians by Bob Blankenship

These were their top images by voting, and will be shown in the Berlin Blue Art Show, Berlin, Germany January 20-29th, 2017.  For more information on the exhibition, please click HERE.

I think it is worth mentioning again - this is not the type of photography we normally shoot!  After all, that's why I'm writing about it!  5900 Photographers from all over the world competed for a chance to have their photo shown in this exhibit.  Over 20,000 photos vying for a chance to be one of only 400 photos in the entire show!  In the overall competition, Julie finished in 17th place.  I finished in 113th place.  Let that sink in a minute....

17th and 113th out of 5900 photographers from around the world, shooting a style of photography that they don't normally shoot!

It pays to step outside your comfort zone!  You learn so much, and feel such accomplishment when you succeed at doing something that you are unsure about.  I am very proud to have my photo shown in Berlin, and I know that Julie is as well!

Whatever it is that you do, whether it be as a hobby, or a career, don't just settle into a comfortable position.  I assure you, the world will pass you by, and at some point in time, you'll wonder why you never did those things....



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