Our New Website is now LIVE

While many people follow our work on Google+, Facebook, Gurushots, 500px, Flickr, our blogs, and a number of other sights, each one has it's own special crowd.  While we have always linked all of our sites and asked that people check them out, very few actually leave their "Safe Zone" that they feel comfortable in.

Julie and I have spent many years creating photographs and artwork, but have never really found the right venue to call home. We created our own website about 2 years ago, but never really got the appearance or functionality that we were looking for.  I even began writing my own site from scratch. You can not imagine the time and effort that we have put into making our online home look and function the way we wanted it to.

And now...

We are happy to say that From Camera to Wall, our business unit for the sales and marketing of our work, has been totally torn down and rebuilt on a new platform! SmugMug is a website provider geared specifically for photographers.  We are very proud of the work that we have put into our site, and ask that you please stop by and visit us.  Take us for a test drive.  Get out and kick the tires. Check out the fit and finish.  We think you'll be pleased with the result of our efforts. 

Of course, we want to know what you think.  Choose your favorite method of contacting us, or just leave a comment at the bottom of this page after you've poked around for a while.

Every photo gives you the opportunity to enlarge it to full-screen, and provides a "Buy it" button where you can order any photo in the size and media of your choice.  From greeting cards to 40x60 prints, we're happy to provide you with the wall art or mementos to suit your tastes.  Give it a try.

Now the fine print - have you ever considered how long it would take to tell everyone you know to tell everyone they know that the moon was actually made of Gouda Cheese?  Of course not.  The important thing is, imagine how long it would take.  Since we had our old site up on a different provider's service, we've had to tell everyone we know to tell everyone they know that the moon is actually Bleu Cheese!  In other words, not all internet sites may have gotten the message yet that we moved.  The letters were sent, but they didn't check their P.O. Box yet to see the announcement.  If the page doesn't look like the one above when you open it, please come back and try later.  By the time you read this, everyone "Should" know that we moved, but it is possible that a few providers may not be quite up to speed.


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