Are photographers competitive?

When two photographers live in the same house, you have to wonder - are they competitive?

DUH!  Of course we are!  If you are not aware, my wife is Julie Everhart.  She is an artist in every way!  I support her endeavors and projects completely, as does she mine.  So if we are so supportive, how is it that we say we are competitive?

We challenge each other all the time to perform better.  One of our favorite means is through photo competitions.  Gurushots is an excellent forum where photographers from all over the world compete in themed competitions running for 18 days where the photographers vote in a blind format on the photos of their peers.

Four days into a competition themed "From a Distance", you can see that Julie is currently 20 votes ahead of me (although I currently hold one of the top photos in the competition).  She is in 7th place, and I am in 9th place.  This is out of nearly 7000 photographers and over 25,000 photos.

In the "City Streets" challenge, we're once again, 2 spots apart in 33rd and 35th places, separated by only 23 votes.  With just two days remaining, this competition has almost 9000 photographers competing, and is going to be a very interesting finish.

We have both been selected and published in their article "43 of the Very Best Photos in 2016". We have also both been published in a number of their other articles regarding types of photographs, styles of photography, and themed articles from competitions.  We have both been selected and invited to exhibit our photos in Greece, Berlin, Paris, and are awaiting word on the next exhibition in Madrid.  We have also just completed a competition where we have both qualified to be selected as 1 photo each of 100 photographers that the judges will select for publication in their first book.  As you can imagine, we are both anxiously awaiting the results on these two!

If you would like to learn more about how to become a better photographer, this is a great avenue to push yourself.  It is fun, and there are many amazing photographers from all over the world coming together and sharing their passions.  Prizes range anywhere from a portfolio review with one of their judges, all the way up to a recent very special competition that had a $10,000 top prize of camera gear and a trip to Israel.

Stop by both Julie's profile and my profile on Gurushots to see our galleries from the competitions. While you're there, why not pick a challenge and get involved?  Most of these are FREE competitions that you can participate in.  I promise, if you spend some time with it you will come away a much better photographer.

Keep the glass clean and the shutters clicking!



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