Impromptu Photo Shoot and a Bunch of Rocks

After our day in Dover, we headed West.  Before leaving town, we had to stop for one last series of shots that would be somewhat of a hallmark practice of our trip.  You would think after all the walking, we would be ready to just drop and sleep (especially after the jet-lag had set in).  Instead, we stopped at the Dover Castle!

After completing our shoot, we did load up and head West, arriving late in Crawley, just South of the Gatwick Airport.  A wonderful B&B, The Oakhurst provided us a warm welcome, wonderful accommodations, and a very good nights sleep!  We woke up and prepared for our breakfast - the traditional Full English - and were again refueled and ready for a full day on the go!  Great job Jon!

Before taking off, we found ourselves fully engaged in an impromptu photo shoot with two wonderful models!  A mother and daughter team, these two were too beautiful to ignore!

Of course, we came with different intentions, so we finally said our good byes and continued West.  After all, If you travel 5000 miles, you should really stop to look at a big pile of rocks!
Yes, our next stop was just North of a town known as Salisbury.  The pile of rocks have been the source of many questions by modern scholars for years, yet still remains a mystery.  The sight is known as Stonehenge, and we had a wonderful time just soaking in the moment.  Although we arrived late in the day, it worked out well as we watched the last bus load of visitors load up to head back to the visitor's center.  NOTE - a new visitor's center has been built and not all GPS maps will take you there.  OUR GPS took us directly to the sight, where we simply parked on the side of the road and walked through the pasture to the sight.

Below is one of the photo's Bob took while there.  As the sun was setting on the horizon, rain clouds rolled in and actually got us more than a little damp as we headed back to the car.  The shot, however, was more than we could have imagined!  It should be noted that this photo has already been selected in and is currently on display in an exhibition in Greece!  Congratulations Bob!

Wow!  What a great day!  We now headed into town for a special treat at a 4-star Inn and Spa.  I won't honor the establishment with recognition as it was without doubt the worst night we had for the entire 18 day trip!  We'll suffice it to say that arriving at 5PM, still no heat at 9PM, and finally two portable radiators warmed the room up enough to take our coats off by 11.

Tomorrow is yet another day, and it will be a grand experience!  Our first day in town doing a little street work and a cathedral...


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