Top Photographer Finalists

Although many of us were holding high hopes for news on the 6th of September as to the Finalists in Adorama's New TV show Top Photographer, we eventually quit holding our breath.  No e-mails or announcements were received for a few days, and after many of the semi-finalists began tweeting about the silence, Julie had a response from a spokesperson at Adorama to a tweet that to her "understanding that the Finalists have been contacted."

And that was it.

A lot of hype, suspense, and most importantly support from all of you with best wishes for her in the competition.  We really appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes.  We were obviously disappointed in the lack of information considering the efforts made by so many contestants.  Hopefully, Nigel and the folks at Adorama will rethink future endeavors and be just a little more considerate of the contestants.  As I write this, it should be noted that had Julie been selected, we would be in NYC to begin filming.  Instead, an email was sent out en-mass on Friday, 9/16 with a link introducing the finalists.  
You can see that link HERE

Again, many thanks for all your loving support, and we hope you will keep following as there are many surprises in store over the next few weeks.

Perhaps this really is me...


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